I originally built the site back at the end of 2010, but it has now been updated with new pages, categories and imagery. You can now view lots of Octavia's brilliant new paintings, graphic design work, photography and also handmade gifts.
Below are a few screenshots of the newly updated website which you can check out at www.artdesignetc.com
The new homepage, featuring new thumbnails to lots of exciting galleries

The new 'murals etc' section of the art page, featuring large scale paintings

The new design page, featuring 6 new design galleries

The new 'logos etc' section of the design page, featuring some brilliant logos

The new etc page, now the homepage for 'photography etc' the 'etc blog' and 'gifts etc'

The new 'photography etc' page, featuring 5 wonderful photography galleries

And finally, the new 'gifts etc' page, featuring a gallery of homemade gifts

It has been great working with Octavia again and updating the site to showcase so much of her great work.
If you like what you see and would like a website built, please get in contact!