I thought I'd post a couple of other handmade goodies that I'd made but not listed on Etsy as one was made especially for a friend as a birthday present and the other especially for another friend as asked me to!
First up is the heart hanging I made for a friend for her birthday, there are 5 hearts of 2 designs on a piece of cord with a loop at the top to hang it by
Here you can see the hearts hanging down
Close up of 1st design
Close up of 2nd design
To complete the gift I can give a keying in either pattern
Second is similar as another friend saw the first creation and said 'can you make me one too!' So I set out making one for her this time using just one fabric design, again with 5 hearts and this time hanging on a piece of ribbon with a loop at the top to hang it by
Close up of the hearts hanging
Can also be teamed up with either single hanging heart or keyring in the same style
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